The Hertfordshire Garden Centre

Outdoor Plants

Shrubs and Trees

Shrubs and Trees

Shrubs and trees add structure, privacy and shade to your garden and are essential for aiding soil stability. They are also great at creating attractive seasonal areas throughout the year for you to enjoy. Multi-stemmed trees, such as a river birch, can add impact in a smaller area. They all provide essential shelter for wildlife through the winter months and are a great nesting site in the spring and summer. 

We have a good stock of established trees including many varieties of fruit tree and our knowledgeable team can provide extensive advice on how best to position and care for them. Popular shrubs including Euonymus, Ceanothus, Choicia, Pittosporum and Cornus are just a few of our extensive range and we can always help you find the right specimen for your particular area and soil type.

Keeping your shrubs and trees well-pruned is essential for their growth throughout the year. See our Tool and Hardware information for the best utensils to use for all your maintenance jobs.

All our shrubs and trees have UK provenance, the majority of our trees coming from Frank Matthews, Worcester and our shrubs from Farplants.